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News from the University of Potsdam

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Portrait von Viviane Triems

Side Job: Politician – Potsdam Student Viviane Triems Is Running for the 2024 European Elections

Europe is going to vote! From June 6 to 9, 2024, the people of the European Union will be called upon to vote on a total of 720 members of the …
Prof. Dr. Miriam Vock

Enormous gains – Eight years ago, Miriam Vock initiated Germany’s first qualification program for refugee teachers

How would I feel if I had to flee with my child from war and persecution to a foreign country, a country whose culture I don't know and whose language …

“It Is Extremely Important for Historians to See Such Sources with Their Own Eyes” – Why Potsdam Students Are Excavating a Roman Villa in Spain

Students studying history or classical philology at the University of Potsdam usually learn about archaeological excavations from books, films, or …
A new exhibition organized by UP students shows 30 pictures from the Revolution of Dignity 2013/14 in Ukraine.

A Fight for Freedom of Opinion and Independence – Students Develop an Exhibition on Ukraine's Recent History

A small red house called "Slowo" is embroidered with red thread on Danylo Poliluev-Schmidt's black shirt. The vyshyvanka worn by the student picks up …
Schriftzug an ein einer Schulwand

Let’s go to Ghana! - Day 12/13: Between school and the presidential palace

Students of the University of Potsdam report on their field trip in West Africa

Day 12: Insights into the culture Today, for some of us, the day starts just like at home - at school. We are given a private tour of the Apple …
Der kleine Fischerort Elmina

Let’s go to Ghana! Potsdam students on a field trip to West Africa

A group of 9 students from the faculty of philosophy travel to Ghana from the 7th to the 21st of December. The students from Bachelor and Master …
Maren Völz steht in einer Bootshalle.

“Strength, Endurance, and the Right Technique” – Potsdam student Maren Völz rows in the national team

“It feels great to glide across the water,” Maren Völz says enthusiastically. However, the rower knows from many years of experience that it takes a …
Einige Personen bei einer Preisverleihung

Excellent Digital Teaching – 2023 E-Learning Award Presented at the University of Potsdam

Prof. Dr. Nina Brendel has won the 2023 E-Learning Award of the University of Potsdam. The Professor for Geograpy Education received the award for her …
A robot stands at the blackboard

Good Morning, TeachBot! – How Artificial Intelligence Could Change Teaching

Since the introduction of ChatGPT, the influence of AI on all areas of life has been the subject of heated debate. AI-assisted tools are already being …
Patrizia Boi, Studentin der Universität Cagliari, war mit einem EDUC-SHARE Internship in Potsdam.

From Cagliari to Potsdam and the Internet - Master's Student Patrizia Boi Comes to the University of Potsdam with an EDUC scholarship


For Patrizia Boi, EDUC is a stroke of luck and has long been more than just an acronym. Thanks to the European University Alliance, which is led by …